Corona Virus

Everyone is worried about the corona virus.
Here at sheen road chiropractic we are doing everything we can to still serve our clients. Remember that a healthy functioning nervous system is a way to help and enhance your health, so it’s important to still get your adjustment.
We plan to remain open during this time unless we are told to otherwise, it seems so far if there is a lock down health clinics are allowed to remain open and would serve as a good excuse to leave the house while assisting your health.
If we are forced to close we will call everyone who has an appointment, leave a message on their answering machine, and send an email out.
We are taking extra precautions, we have increased our cleaning to every 30 min on the areas the people touch the most.
We are cleaning the tables after every use so be reassured that your table is sparkling clean.
We are also making sure with clients request that we are staying 1 meter away and navigating clients appropriately.
If you are in the high risk category or you have concerns call the office before you arrive and we will make sure that you are not in contact with anyone else, it is important that you feel safe while still getting your adjustments.
For most people the corona virus will just feel like a version of the flu, if you are fit and healthy, but for others it will be a lot worse if you are in an at risk category. Your Age Matters: COVID-19 doesn't affect all patients equally. Mortality is <1% if you are under 50 years of age. According to this article, "A February study from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the virus most seriously affects older people with preexisting health problems." If you fall into the high-risk category, I urge you to self-isolate at home and come out only when necessary. Reach out to family members, neighbours, and local organisations to let them know that you are high-risk and may need help if infected. The high-risk category includes people 65 of age and older, people who have serious chronic medical conditions such as heart disease or lung cancer, or people who are immunocompromised (e.g. has HIV) and ME. If you are not high-risk (this is the majority of the population), you'll most likely have mild symptoms. Consider reaching out to anyone you know who is high-risk and offer help. Dropping off meals and supplies or offering phone chats so people don't get lonely is what the world needs right now.
Why is corona virus spreading quickly?
Covid-19 is different in that we don't have any immunity to it yet. Once it spreads through and we all develop a natural immunity it will drastically taper down. So, yes, we should very much take it seriously and everyone should be engaging in social distancing to flatten the curve. This is not the flu and we'll learn more facts over the next few days and weeks. However, for the majority of the population we will experience mild flu-like symptoms and be ok. Please do not let panic or fear take over. For those of us in the low-risk category, let's take extra care to help out the high-risk category by reaching out to them and providing help when needed, and staying home so we don't overwhelm the medical community. Instead of letting fear take over, be informed from accurate sources (professionals and experts do not engage in fear-mongering, instead they give you facts.). This is a time to prepare, not panic. Since it's estimated that 40-70% of the population will get it, here are a few things that I think everyone should have on hand in case you get sick:
Start Boosting Your Immune System Now
A thermometer (so you can track your temperature)
Tissues (e.g. Kleenex) (this is an upper-respiratory infection)
Broth or soups (or foods you know you will eat if you are sick)
If you can, take extra vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc
Drink plenty of water
Eliminate (or at least reduce) alcohol and added sugars
Increase whole foods, especially whole fruits and vegetables
Get more sleep (sleep is critical to your immune function!)
Move 30-45 minutes per day at a moderate pace (as long as you're not sick)
No highly processed foods as they don't help your immune system and tax your body's energy systems
Consider avoiding dairy (especially yogurt) as it can increase phlegm - if you tolerate it without getting phlegm-y then it's ok
The healthier you are when you get sick, the better your body will be able to manage and the faster you will recover:
Remember, don’t panic and stay safe
Take Care,
Dr. Camilla