A New Chiropractor Has Joined The Clinic
Dr. Nikos Bakalis DC is a talented Chiropractor from Greece who studied chiropractic at the University of South Wales. Nikos was first...

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special time and a unique experience to each woman. In nine months two cells turn into 3 trillion and you create life....

5 Reasons to Visit Our Clinic if you are in Severe in Pain.
1. No stairs If you have had an accident, have reoccurring pain, or have slept in a bad position and are experiencing severe pain you...

Why you should visit your chiropractor during the Christmas holidays.
1. Travel The holiday season is a very busy time for most people. You might be travelling by train, car or plane to see family or go on...

Postural Exercises
Our posture is a great way to see what's happening internally. “Posture affects and moderates every physiological function from breathing...

Our Christmas Gift
Do you have friends and family that could benefit from chiropractic care? This holiday season we are offering an Initial Consultation...

50% Off Acupuncture!
Does acupuncture work? YES! Is there scientific clinical research to verify that viewpoint? YES! The World Health Organisation...

Can Chiropractic Slow Down The Ageing Process?
New research found one patient undergoing chiropractic care showed that they experienced an increase in telomere length following 5...

New Sports Masseuse - 50% Off
Please welcome Amy to our team! Amy is joining our team as a qualified sports masseuse. She has 4 years experience working in...

Good Mood, Good Posture
'Stand up straight!' Might have been something you heard regularly from your mother but she may not have known the full benefits of...