Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology is a system using basic muscle testing to evaluate dysfunction within the body. It is a diagnosis system utilising non-invasive techniques to determine the function of your organs, and nutritional deficiencies.
Applied Kinesiology is used to analyze and check all systems to restore balance, for example if a person is suffering from intestinal irritation, there will be a malabsorption problem creating nutritional deficiency. Low back pain occurs due to the dual nerve supply to the low back and intestine, stress related factors further exacerbate the condition.
Applied Kinesiology is non-invasive and uses natural products to heal the body, and doesn’t rely on chemicals or invasive technology to care for the client. The client is actively involved in their care and is able to get a sense of responsibility towards their own illness and towards their own health.
Applied Kinesiology facts and information
How does Applied Kinesiology work?
Does Applied Kinesiology replace standard examinations?
Applied kinesiology looks at balance within your body's triad of health - chemical, mental and structural factors - to understand and correct health problems. The triad is represented by an equilateral triangle with structural health as its base, and the upright sides representing chemical and mental health. Neurology forms the backbone of the triad, bringing it to life in 3 dimensions. When a person experiences pain, dysfunction, or poor health, it is due to a problem in one or more of these areas affecting the others. For example, low blood sugar may make someone cranky or a pinched nerve may cause muscle pain. Applied kinesiology helps the doctor evaluate the triad and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides. An applied kinesiologist looks at the individual parts of the triad and the relationship among them to better understand why a health problem exists, how and where it began, and what the best way is to correct its causes instead of just covering up its symptoms. The triad of health is interactive and all sides must be evaluated for the underlying cause(s) of a problem.
Applied kinesiology uses muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a person's body is functioning. In general, the applied kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. In some cases, the examiner may test for environmental or food sensitivities by using a previously strong muscle to find what weakens it. At the hands of a skillful doctor, AK diagnosis can determine the best forms of treatment for the specific patient at that time. This is important because we are dynamic, living, growing creatures. Just as your needs may be different from someone else with similar symptoms, you may also have different needs at different times as your health changes. These therapies may include specific joint adjustments, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management and various reflex procedures. Since AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies and provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care, it is not surprising that around the world chiropractors, osteopaths, medical doctors, dentists, and in some places, acupuncturists and naturopaths are trained in and use Applied Kinesiology.
NO. Applied kinesiology diagnosis is used in addition to standard diagnostic methods, beginning with a careful medical history and physical examination including orthopedic and neurologic tests. Laboratory tests and imaging studies (such as xrays or MRIs) are also used when needed to help determine the cause of a health problem. Applied Kinesiology is used as a further tool to help define what is going wrong or what imbalances are present. For example, in some conditions like hypoglycemia their will be specific muscle Weakness patterns that can be found. However these same weakness could be there because of a nerve problem only an adequate history of the person, coupled with standard examination procedures and if needed laboratory findings allow a proper care of the person. The use of Applied Kinesiology procedures speeds the examination process and helps to rule out other possible causes of the person’s health problems.

What is the education of someone doing Applied Kinesiology?
Applied Kinesiology is performed by health care professionals. First, they have their basic education is what ever field they practice. For example, they might be a medical doctor, osteopath, chiropractor or a dentist. They then study Applied Kinesiology in a post graduate setting usually in weekend classes. The basic course takes over 100 hours of classroom study and many hours of study and practice at home. A basic proficiency in Applied Kinesiology is tested for at the end of this basic class. Continuing classes are taken to reach the next step where a diplomat exam, a complete understanding as shown by a written and oral test, is taken. To attain this level, over 300 hours of classroom study are required along with the writing of at least two research papers.
Can anyone with minimal training do Applied Kinesiology?
No. You would no more trust a lay person to prescribe medications or perform surgery than to trust a non-professional to deal with your health problems. Applied Kinesiology procedures are used to further investigate a patient's problem and depend upon a basic understanding of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, neurology, and pathology. Muscle testing used alone without a proper education in the health sciences is no better than a psychic reading. Camilla Ellis DC has completed her 300 hours